Costumi Assorbenti e Coppette Mestruali: La Rivoluzione per il Mare e la Piscina
I costumi assorbenti rappresentano una delle soluzioni più innovative e pratiche per godersi il mare o la piscina durante il ciclo mestruale, combinando funzionalità e stile. La loro particolarità sta nella struttura multi-strato che li rende unici e funzionali. Il costume assorbente è generalmente composto da diversi strati, ognuno con una funzione specifica. Il primo strato, a contatto con la pelle, è realizzato in un materiale morbido e traspirante, spesso in cotone o in tessuti sintetici ipoallergenici, che assicura comfort e previene irritazioni. Questo strato è progettato per far passare il flusso verso gli strati sottostanti, mantenendo al contempo la...
Guide to Your Eco Period
For those who can, dealing consciously and “ecologically” with your period is something that really impacts our planet. We know that pads are polluting the environment and not safe for your body. Isn't this one the right time to go "greener"?
How to Insert the Menstrual Cup
We know how disappointing it can be when you decide to go green with your period and you realize your menstrual cup doesn’t hold up well. That's why we created the ultimate guide on how to insert correctly your cup. You wont' experience any leaks at all after reading our guide!
Why choosing menstrual cups?
Our times ask us to be greener, to watch our priviledge and to help the environment as much as we can. Here is the ultimate list of pros and cons whether you should try the menstrual cup or not. Don't miss it out!
How to Choose the Right Menstrual Cup
Our Expert's Guide is a video explaining how to choose the right Menstrual Cup for you; there are many false information on how to choose the right cup, so let's make some clarity!
Menstrual Cups for Dummies
First time with a Menstrual Cup? Are you considering all pros and cons? We did it too and even though menstrual cups are not for everyone, we always support any choice that is more eco-friendly and healthier for your body.
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