trends & guides

Greensex: eco-friendly sexuality
Eco-Sustainability is possible even when it comes to your Sexual Wellness. Read our Guide to make eco-friendly choices in your bed too!

LUWI, the female condom
LUWI the female condom revolutionised. Don’t you want for you – or for your daughter – the chance to take responsibility on your own health? You don’t have to ask anybody else anymore to put something on to protect you with LUWI.

Guide to lubricants
People are talking about lubricants more and more often—and it’s about time! But it’s not that easy to find comprehensive and practical information so we have created a guide to answer most of your questions.

Have more mindful sex
What Mindful Sex means and how it cam be very useful today o experience pleasure. We asked the Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist Kate Moyle.

Ziggy, the menstrual cup for mess-free sex
Fancy mess-free period sex? It's possible. We discovered Ziggy Cup, the first menstrual cup for mess-free period sex. Made of petal-thin body-safe silicone, reusable, flexible, can't be felt at all, no leaks. No more limits.

Guide to your first toy
How to choose the right toy for you? Our Experts made a Guide for Beginners to help you navigate the world of Sexual Wellness.