
Sexism Squared
Women can be exploited through advertising, but they cannot use advertising as an emancipation tool. This is Sexism Squared. Where does it come from?

How to make monogamy work for you?
Monogamy doesn't work for everyone. And that's ok. How to find out what kind of relationship do you really want? Sex Therapist Silva Neves gave us his point of view.

Sexual Shame
What is Sexual Shame? How it is trigged and how to break the chain? We analysed the origins of sexual guilt and set 4 steps to try to unlock it.

Gender dysphoria
What is Gender Dysphoria and the complex journey transgender people go through? Our Doc. Mafe Peraza Godoy gives us an overview.

Orgasm Anxiety
Anxiety is the number one enemy of pleasure and orgasms. Why do we carry it inside and how to free ourselves and enjoy our sexual life.

Sexuality and disability
In order to understand the union between Sexuality and Disability, we must learn to deconstruct the concept that we ourselves have internalised. An healthy pleasurable sexual life is a human right.

Do you have body-safe toys?
How Body-Safe is defined for Sexual Wellness products? Why there are toxic products out there? What pureeros does to take care of your health and safety.

3 Ways to Get Your Sexuality Back After Breast Cancer
Sexuality and Cancer; such an important topic rarely doctors talk about. We'd like to share a few tips on how you can get back having a pleasurable sexual life.

Transsexual, Transgender and Intersex
Gender, Sexual Orientation and Identity. Our society is anything but binary, so let's be more inclusive! Doc. Peraza Godoy makes some clarity on terminology and invites to get over heteronormativity.

Female masturbation in art
How female sexuality has been represented in art? A journey through artists who has represented female pleasure. What should be the role of art today?