The acronym BDSM is actually three acronyms squeezed into one. Bondage & discipline, dominance & submission, sadism & masochism. Much of BDSM’s origins lies in the hands of women. The oldest record of BDSM play comes from the Sumerian Goddess Inanna, who was said to conduct domination rituals that imbued her subjects with pain and ecstasy. In 9th c. B.C. Sparta, flagellation ceremonies in which men were whipped were overseen by a priestess. The practice of early BDSM was expanded in writings of the Kama Sutra and medieval courtly love. If you are into BSDM or you want to try, communication is key. Define your rules, roles, safe-words, what do you expect out of it and, of corse, everybody involved must have given and explicit consent to BSDM. Then? Explore and have fun.
Read more about BDSM guide here.